Charisma. Magnetism. How do you get it?
It's the open-heart space that makes you magnetic, not the mind. It's the heart that makes you magnetic others and magnetic to everything you desire.
There's no learning process. It's in you; you communicating to you.
The learning process is over, let go of being taught by a teacher or other, it's all inside of you.
Here are the 3 Frames of Charisma:
ONE: Anchor yourself to the presence - present moment.
The power of now; this is where all your wisdom, power, love, compassion, forgiveness, courage, resides.
The core frame of charisma and magnetism is presence.
TWO: Power = knowing who you are.
Certainty about knowing who you are, knowing yourself as the creator of your life, this is your universe, you are the only authority on your life, you contain everything and do not have to shift creating your life to anyone else.
That is power, and power is magnetic.
THREE: Warmth. Radiating your true self.
This is the vibration of unconditional love. Your true self has no name, no image, no form, it's pure source energy, meaning the divine within you. "chelek elokim".
Instead of seeking love, you radiate and stop seeking love, validation and approval outside of yourself. Stop getting triggered.
Instead of seeking love, you radiate, and you're magnetic and everyone wants to be in your energy. Be careful and mindful of who you let in.
Whatever characteristic or trait you see in others exists within you, so eradicate the ego mind of who you think you are, that's just an illusion.
YOU ARE NOT THE BODY, the mind, or the experiences.
Radiate the FLOW state, let go of the past. You are the pure awareness of it all.
When you let go of the past, you will see that is has no control over you, its just a story, an illusion of no relevance once you're in the present.
Become magnetic.
*Present moment.
*Know you're powerful.
*Radiate warmth.

The key:
No more victimhood or blaming others for the way you create your life. For some reason it serves you in some way. Something to think about.
Photo by Pavan Trikutam on Unsplash
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